Aim of research in the scope of the programme
- Production of multifunctional varieties resistant to high clay content, chemically defective, extreme water management situations.
- Production of varieties suitable to produce in organic farming.
- Production of varieties serving as functional food ingredients.
- Production of plant species and varieties for energetic purposes.
- Exploration of plant species applicable in recultivation and phytoremediation procedures, production of more efficient varieties
Within the scope of the programme, the production of varieties and hybrids, which possess excellent qualitative properties and which are adapted to the extreme soil and climatic conditions of the landscape is carried out. We put great emphasis on the involvement of species that meet the environmental and landscape preservation criteria and the development of infrastructural background related to the preservation and improvement of genetic background. Preservation of local varieties and the prevention of gene erosion play an important role in the improvement of the genetic background. We investigate the possibility of utilizing our crops for industrial purposes.
As a result of breeding 13 plant species, the Institute has a total of 32 state qualified varieties. Seed production of these plants is continuously carried out, as there is a significant market demand towards them. The popularity of winter cereals is due to their early maturity, cold resistance and excellent quality. Our Institute operates as the only breeder and preserver of foxtail, vetch and Hungarian vetch. The sowing area of our varieties exceeds 100 thousand hectares and it is constantly increasing.
Main areas of improving genetic background
Breeding and naturalization of winter wheat, winter barley and triticale takes place. As for leguminous forage crops, we have Hungarian vetch, vetch and green peas. The Institute also deals with birdseed plants (millet, foxtail, canary grass). As for leguminous plants, we Hungarian vetch, vetch and autumn peas. We deal with rye-grass as well (detailed descriptions of our bred crops can be downloaded from the website!).