In the course of its existence, the research and development activities of the Research Institute of Karcag has been and still is based on four interrelated fields, the research results of which are summarized as follows:
We elaborated the sampling method of the original structure, high volume lysimeter soil monolith. We created a series of lysimeter analyses, which is suitable for forecasting the effect of different hydrological conditions on the development process of deep saline soils. We determined the effect of different hydrological conditions on the vertical movement of soil moisture and N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na content, their balance and dynamics.
We elaborated the application technology of the additional Ca, Mg supply of acidic soils and introduced soil improvement by means of self-powdering dolomites.
We elaborated a soil moisture regulation technology with the cost and energy saving use of granulated slag and sub-soil mixture. The technology is also suitable for the water regulation of sandy soils.
By using different CaSiO3 containing materials, a soil improvement technology was elaborated for the improvement of the physical and chemical properties and nutriment supply ability of strongly acidic soils.
In the course of elaborating time and energy saving tillage methods we found that different medium deep subsoilers are perspective mainly in the case of crops that demanding deep tillage, while heavy cultivators are to be used for crops requiring more shallow tillage. The utilization of heavy cultivators and medium deep subsoilers might result – even by substituting ploughing – in a considerable save of working hours and fuel and the application of these devices leads to smaller clod size and allows the application of tillage systems which are a more soil-friendly.
Based on deep subsoiling with mole plough, we further developed the cheaper irrigation method, which is perfectly suitable for the environmental-friendly application of liquid fertilizers into the soil, but also for the utilization of temporarily deactivated rice units with intensive crops.
We determined the composition, temporal schedule, mechanical requirements and cost data of the tillage of chernozem, meadow and acidic soils.
We elaborated 5 official know-hows for the processing and manure-utilization of different origin (communal, industrial, agricultural) and physical state, polluting organic materials.
We elaborated grass planting and utilization procedures ensuring continuous grazing. We have promising experiments with certain grazable roughage for the elongation of the grazing process of sheep during the droughty periods of summer. We elaborated a self-feeding feedbox for the solution of mass feeding.
We elaborated the plantation technology of bush lines with ridge solutions on solonec soil, which is suitable for the segmentation of grazing areas besides other favourable effects.